Convert's conversion system provides users a straightforward way to switch between gKPR and KPR assets. Here's how it works:

Switching gKPR to KPR and Vice Versa: The conversion system in enables users to convert between gKPR and KPR tokens effortlessly. This functionality allows for flexibility in managing your digital assets.

Processing Time for gKPR to KPR Conversions: It's important to note that converting gKPR to KPR may take a short amount of time. The duration of this process is influenced by the number of conversion orders queued within our systems.

Dynamic Queuing Mechanism: To ensure smooth processing even during periods of high demand, employs a queuing mechanism. This mechanism is automatically activated when the Convert command experiences an overload due to a high volume of conversion requests. Further information about the queuing mechanism in cases of overload can be found in the Revenue Sharing section. This section provides users with a comprehensive understanding of how the system manages conversion requests during peak times.

The conversion feature in offers users a convenient means to transition between gKPR and KPR assets, catering to individual preferences and investment strategies. While converting KPR to gKPR may require a short processing time, the system is equipped with a dynamic queuing mechanism to handle high demand periods. This ensures that users can efficiently manage their digital assets regardless of the level of activity within the Convert command.

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