Revenue Sharing

In, the Revenue Sharing system is a fundamental mechanism that ensures the community benefits from the platform's success. Here's how it works:

Project's Share of Revenue:

To support the ongoing development and enhancement of the platform, 5% of the total revenue generated is allocated to the project. This portion is allocated for the continuous improvement and expansion of the platform's offerings.

gKPR Fund for Community Rewards:

A significant portion of gKPR tokens, precisely 45%, is converted into gKPR and placed into a dedicated fund. This fund is specifically established to distribute rewards back to the community. The rate of distribution is determined by the previous day's revenue.

gKPR to KPR Conversion:

The remaining 50% of the revenue is allocated to converting gKPR tokens back into KPR tokens. The quantity of gKPR tokens available for conversion is equivalent to 50% of the gKPR revenue earned the preceding day.

Queue System for Overloaded Conversion orders:

Users who desire to convert gKPR to KPR tokens may be queued if there isn't enough revenue gKPR tokens available. In such cases, users may use their own funds to join the queue. However, each user is eligible for a maximum of 100 KPR per queue.

Managing Large Conversion Requests:

If a conversion request exceeds 100 gKPR, the excess amount is placed at the end of the queue for subsequent conversion attempts. This ensures a fair distribution of conversion opportunities and prevents any single user from dominating the process.

Selective gKPR Token Burning:

gKPR tokens are only burned using the revenue generated specifically from buying and selling activities within the market. This controlled token burning process is instrumental in regulating the overall token supply and maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

The Revenue Sharing system in, is designed to be transparent, equitable, and community-centric. Through effective management of revenue distribution and fund allocation,, aims to create an environment where all participants reap the rewards of the platform's progress and expansion. This process operates automatically through the smart contract, requiring no additional action from users.

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