Game Assets

  1. gKPR: Main Currency

Nature:gKPR serves as the primary on-chain currency with real-world value.

Usage: It is used for various transactions within the game, making it a pivotal economic asset.

Exchangeability: Players can exchange gKPR for other assets on-chain

Role in Economy: As the main currency, gKPR is integral to the game's economy, driving transactions, purchases, and exchanges.

  1. ORE: Versatile In-Game Asset

Exchange Rate: Players can exchange gKPR for ORE at a 1:1 ratio, allowing users to access gKPR for playing games at any time, thereby ensuring a stable and predictable economic model. This is a two-way trade, and ORE can be exchangeable for gKPR on the platform.

Utility: ORE is used for multiple purposes:

Healing xBot to maintain their functionality.

Participating in PvP battles.(future feature)

Training xBot to enhance their Power.(future feature)

Other functions

  1. xBot Power Points Calculation:

Each xBot's Power Points are determined based on their level and the equipment they are outfitted with.

Impact: Power points dictate a xBot's effectiveness in battles, making them a key focus for player development and strategy.

Function: Equipping these items to xBot increases their Power, directly affecting their performance in battles.

The KeplerHomes development team will actively launch other game assets and NFT assets in xBot. These game assets will bring positive effects to players in terms of Earn and game fun. Please continue to pay attention and look forward to it

Last updated